Athletes & Coaches - engage and equip more sport mentors & coaches serving all people of sport.
Health & Fitness - connect and train health & fitness specialists across Europe forming local & regional teams.
Action Sports - camps & seminars as well as holistic support for elite athletes in competition and beyond.
Sports for Integration - marginalised people groups reached and integrated through sport & games.
Major Sports Events - convene and facilitate partnerships with sport-events for increased community impact.
Para Sport Development - Start-Up support, equipment and growth of para-sports where it is least developed. 

Athletes & Coaches

A German coach who started an American football program 5 years ago in Germany asked one of our team members for help.

Action Sport

A small team was able to be present at several world cups on the MTB-world tour serving riders through practical support and encouragement.

Health & Fitness

We have experienced growth of 2 weekend trainings during the last year; one in Italy and one in Romania. It was a real delight to serve these motivated people.

Major Sport Event

e convene, facilitate initiatives and partnerships around sports events for community impact. Sports Events provide a great opportunity for increased community impact through Sports Ministry - connecting organizations, churches and other stake holders as we serve together